We are informing you that it is possible to offer intercity services similar to Uber by utilizing two locations on the map.
To enable this option, please follow the steps outlined below:
Step 1 :
From the left menu, go to the operation areas and create a new post.
Add the title of service name > Dhaka City Service.
Select operation type from dropdown > Intercity Operation Area.
Draw the location on both maps.
Choose the pricing option to increase the price by a fixed price or percentage.
And put the amount in the price option.
Choose the direction “One Direction” or “Both Direction”.
- When selecting One Direction, customers will only see Transportation results when they enter the origin in the pickup location and the destination in the drop-off location.
- If you select Both Directions, Transportations will appear in the results regardless of whether the customer enters the origin or destination in either the pickup or drop-off locations.
Then save the post.
Step 2:
Then go to all Transportations and select the transportation name to which you want to apply the intercity features.
Click the Operation Area from the transportation settings
Select the area from the list and update the post.
Step 3:
Go to the front end and search by the names included in both cities.
Then click the next button.
Both addresses fall within the intercity range, so transportation options are displayed with the applicable intercity surcharge. I have selected the “Both Directions” option, which shows transportation availability for either direction when the customer enters the addresses.