Price-Based Models in Transportation
The e-cab Taxi Booking Manager plugin offers three types of price-based models for transportation:
1. Distance-Based (Google Maps)
- Calculation: Based on map distance and duration.
- Requirements: Enter the price per kilometer and price per hour.
- Features: Initial price and waiting price can be added.
2. Fixed Hourly
- Calculation: Based on the number of hours.
- Usage: Google Maps shows distance and duration for customer reference.
- Requirements: Enter the price per hour.
- Features: The initial price can be added; the waiting price is not applicable.
3. Manual (Fixed Location)
- Calculation: Based on manually added locations and prices.
- Usage: No map is required for pricing.
- Features: Initial price and waiting price can be added.
Additional Pricing Features
- Initial Price: This can be set for all pricing models.
- Waiting Price: Can be set for Distance-Based and Manual models, but not applicable for Fixed Hourly.
Shortcodes: [ You get those shortcodes in the guideline in the plugin left menu.]
Our plugin also provides different shortcodes depending on the price-based model, allowing you to seamlessly integrate the appropriate booking forms into your website.