Under Bus Settings, you have all the other global options.

If you want to change the seat status globally, please select when and which order status Seat Will be Booked or Reduced.

From the tick box, you can mark the status as On Hold, Pending, Processing, and Completed.

seat booked status



 Show Return Date Search

There is a dropdown option where you can Disable or Enable the return date

If you don’t want to show the return field in the search, you can select Disable.

By default, it is enabled on the plugin.

show return date search


Ticket sale off after date

This is an option where you can set an end date from the calendar for seat sales. If you don’t want to set an end date, leave this field blank.

Ticket Sale Off After Date

Maximum advance day Sale

Choose the maximum number of days before an event that tickets can be sold. For example, if you set this to 30, tickets can only be purchased up to 30 days before the event. Leave this field blank to sell tickets for any future date.

Max advanced day sale

Buffer Time

Add extra time (in minutes) to the expected arrival time for each bus. This buffer time helps prevent delays in your schedule. By default, no extra time is added.

buffer time


Show/hide view seats button

If you want to hide the ‘View Seats’ button from the search results when registrations are not open, enable this option from the dropdown.

Show/hide view seats button

Active Redirect page

If you want to redirect the page from the search, enable this option with “ON”.

Active Redirect Page

To redirect users to a different page after a certain action, select the page you want to redirect them to from the dropdown menu.


Turn order status processing to completed automatically

This option automatically updates the order status in WooCommerce to ‘Completed’. Select ‘ON’ to enable this feature.

Turn order status processing to completed automatically