Payment plans gives you the option to create a flexible schedule for customers to pay deposit and remainder balance.

You can use payment plans in both product-based and checkout-mode setups.

To create a payment plan :

1- In Admin dashboard, navigate to Products >> Payment plans

2- After adding a plan, navigate to it and set the values as desired.
  • Name : name of payment plan displayed to customers.
  • Description : a description to payment plan, displayed when a plan is selected.
  • Amount type:  Allows setting the amount type for payment plan :
  1.  Percentage –  Payment plan amounts will be calculated based on product price ( or cart items total for checkout mode ).
  1.  Fixed –  Fixed amounts, Product prices will be ignored.
  • Plan Schedule :  partial payments details will be inserted in this table:
  1.  Amount –  Percentage amount / fixed amount
  2.  Set date / after – you can set the date for following payment after x “Days/ Weeks / Months / Years” . If you check “Set date” , you can set a date directly.

3 – When finished, click “Update” . Now the payment plan is ready to use and will appear in Payment Plans field in deposit values. You can edit or delete payment plans from the same interface.