Order Status Flow

WooCommerce Deposits adds the order status “Partially Paid” ( slug is partially-paid ). When order with deposit is placed and paid for,  the order status is set to partially paid until all partial payments are paid.


If payment gateway chosen for deposit or any partial payment require manual verification ( such as Bank Transfer ) , order status will be set to on-hold and you will have to manually change status to -partially paid when payment is verified.

After all Partial payments are paid, order status will be automatically updated to Processing. The final order status can be changed from plugin settings.


Balance Payment(s)

After deposit is paid and order is created,  customer can make balance payment using one of the following ways :

  • After successfully paying deposit, customer receive an invoice which contains payment information and a link to make partial payment.
  • customer can find “PAY” button if they login to their ” My Account” page in orders section.
  • admin can choose to set up a partial payment reminder email, which can be adjusted to be sent after X days from deposit payment or X days before partial payment due date. This email contains a link to make partial payment.
  • admin can choose to manually send partial payment reminder email anytime from order editor page.

In case the user is a guest, they can only make payment using link provided in email.

Partial payment page is the “Order Pay” page which built-in woocommerce core, it is used for paying for already created orders and it is utilized by our plugin to pay for partial payments ( since they are already created custom orders )

Customer will be able of choosing payment gateway for their partial payment and proceed to pay the amount.