- Enable deposit : Allows enabling deposit choice for customers during checkout.
- Yes – Deposits are enabled, customers can choose to pay deposit or full amount.
- No – Deposits are disabled, customers can only pay full amount.
- Force deposit : Allows forcing deposit during checkout.
- Yes – Deposits are forced, customers cannot choose to pay full amount.
- No – Deposits are not forced, customers can still choose between deposit and full amount.
- Deposit Type : Specify the amount type of deposit
- Fixed value – Fixed amount for deposit per item. Balance is calculated in a single “Future Payment”.
- Percentage of price – A percentage of product price. Balance is calculated in a single “Future Payment”.
- Payment Plan – A flexible choice for unrestricted number of payments that can be either fixed amounts or a percentage.
- Deposit Amount: This setting is only visible when Deposit Type is set to “fixed value” or “percentage of price” , enter amount or percentage of deposit.
- Payment Plan(s): This setting is only visible when Deposit Type is set to “Payment Plan” , You can choose from already created plans. Selected plans will be displayed to customer to choose from. To learn how to create a payment plan, refer to Payment Plans Section.